3 Ways to Protect Your Home From Water Damage

When you are a homeowner, you have a variety of things that you have to keep tabs on when it comes to your home. Routine maintenance and minor repairs are necessary for multiple reasons throughout the year and can simply result from normal wear and tear.

That being said, there are also many external factors that can work against you and result in some serious damage to your home. Depending on where you line, you might find yourself struggling against the damaging effects of the snow or substantial rainfall at various times throughout the year.

The fact of the matter is that water damage can end up being incredibly expensive to address. Moreover, even a small amount of water can develop mold and mildew if left unchecked. It is far better to be proactive about protecting your home from water damage than to take a reactive approach.

With that in mind, here are three of the best ways to protect your home from water damage that every homeowner should consider.

1. Install a Retaining Wall

While there are many things that you can do to the actual structure of your house to make it more resistant to water damage, one course of action worth considering that involves the outside of your property is that of installing a retaining wall. This is a structure that is constructed to block rushing water and prevent it from reaching your house in the first place.

Companies like American precast make it easy to have precast concrete retaining walls installed on your property. With a retaining wall built in the right place, you can keep a great deal of water away from your house, particularly during times of heavy rainfall and flooding.

2. Inspect Your Roof Routinely

Your roof is one of your biggest lines of defense against water entering your home. However, throughout the year, your roof will endure a great deal of normal wear and tear. This is especially true if you live in a region that experiences extreme weather at any point in the year, like hail, thunderstorms, or snow.

Make sure to inspect your roof on a routine basis once or twice a year. Be on the lookout for some of the key signs that your roof needs some repairs. It is also worth making a point of having your roof inspected immediately following extreme weather.

3. Keep Your Gutters Clean

The gutters on your home play a big role in removing water and making sure that it doesn’t pool up on your roof or at the base of your home. However, gutters that are filled with debris will only increase your chances of experiencing water damage within your house.

You should have your gutters cleaned at least once a year, if not more. The ideal time of year to do this is during the summer months, when things are generally less rainy. This way, your gutters will be free and clear for the precipitation of the fall and winter months.