Bathroom Decorating Ideas

When decorating, the bathroom does not always top the list of priorities in the home. Which is a shame, because having a bathroom that is decorated well, makes the room feel like a much nicer place to be. Decorating your bathroom does NOT need to cost you a fortune, it’s all about making small changes to the current design for guaranteed improvement. Carry on reading to discover some good bathroom decorating ideas and see if any appeal to you.

Get painting

It is amazing that difference a fresh coat of paint can do for your bathroom. Whether your current walls are dull or you want to inject a little colour into the room, paint is the way forward. How you choose to decorate and what colours you go for is of course, entirely up to you, but pastel colours look great in the bathroom and can even make it appear larger than what it is. You don’t need to stick to one colour of course, designing a little pattern on the wall like stripes can also look really good. Don’t be afraid to unleash your creativity when you paint your bathroom, you can even look on the internet for a wide variety of ideas!

Make it soft and welcoming

A bathroom should be somewhere that you can relax, so use smaller touches in terms of the accessories and finishing touches that you have out in display. These elements will really give your bathroom a sense of cosy and softness. Some things that you can add to your bathroom that really bring this vibe include fluffy bath mats/toilet mats, luxurious towels and other pieces that you find that bring an appealing atmosphere. Candles can also make a bathroom look really pretty, especially scented ones. Shop around to ensure that you find high quality items at good prices.

Image used with permission from Canvas Factory

Have modern fixtures

One sign of a bathroom that is in need of some TLC is fixtures that are old fashioned or have excessive wear to them. Keeping up to date with more modern fixtures that are in good condition can make your entire bathroom look brand new. There are so many places where you can get attractive but affordable fixtures, which also show off your personality. Some items you should be making sure you have include a toilet roll holder, a bathrobe holder/towel rack, mirrors and knobs on cabinets. These little details will make all the difference to the general appearance of your bathroom.

Image with permission from Pinterest

Lighting is key

Your bathroom is a place where you need good lighting because you probably do beauty regimes, shaving and other activities that require you to see well in here. Layered lighting really gives an extra special look to bathroom and is recommended if you really want to modernize your home. Some type of ceiling fixture can be coupled with lighted mirrors and possibly lamps to make your bathroom lighting amazing. The style purely depends on you but there are many places you can look for inspiration. Not only is good lighting functional for your bathroom, it makes the room stand out and makes the decor even more eye catching.

An interesting use of light. Image with thanks to Pixabay

Think about the layout

The layout of your bathroom and the furniture is vital to the overall look of the room. Not only should you get furniture that matches each other in terms of style/colour, this should all be laid out correctly to ensure maximum space. I would usually say that less is more in the bathroom, you don’t actually need that much furniture which is not already built into the room. Limit clutter by having good storage options that also look attractive. For example, you could have white wicker boxes to match the rest of the decor or an under sink cabinet. These are ideal for storing away items you do not want to showcase.


Now that you know some bathroom decorating tips, you can decorate your bathroom in a way that you can be proud of. Even though you can look for inspiration online, don’t be afraid to put your own stamp on your bathroom. Most of the ways to decorate do not take a lot of time and if you shop smart, they do not cost a lot of money either. Start making changes today and you will feel a lot more comfortable in your bathroom.