Home Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Space Safe & Comfortable

Purchasing a house is a huge step to take in your life, and you’re more than due some praise for reaching your goal.  However, there’s more to the journey of being a homeowner than the initial purchase of your new home.  

If you want your home to remain comfy, cozy, and safe as you enjoy the space, then you’ll have to know how to keep up with the maintenance needed.  Take a few moments now to consider some of the most important home maintenance tasks to add to your checklist.  

Regular pest control maintenance

Maintaining a pest-free environment is a top priority when you’re working to create a safe and comfortable space.  No matter how much you clean the inside of your home, you could still house unwanted pests from time to time.  

If you want to assure a pest-free home, you’ll have to call in the pest control experts to treat your home on a regular schedule throughout the year.  Regular treatment will show bugs and other pests that your home is no place for them to live. 

Keep your HVAC unit in good shape

Your home’s heating and air conditioning unit is a key factor in keeping the space comfortable.  You don’t want to be without air in the heat of the summer or heat in the cold of winter.  

There is plenty you can do to try and extend the life of your HVAC unit, and there’s certainly a few things you can do to help the unit work a little less hard.  Change your air filters once a month, and make sure to bring in professionals to service your unit once per year.  

Check for issues with the roof 

Your home’s roof keeps everything inside dry and comfortable for yourself and your family.  It’s helpful to keep an eye on the condition of the shingles on your roof, so you can avoid costly leaks and extensive repairs.  

Check toilets/faucets for leaks

Water damage is your worst enemy as a homeowner, and the roof isn’t the only place where water can really cause some issues.  Your home’s toilets and faucets could spring a slow leak that causes extensive damage without you even knowing.  Take the time to thoroughly inspect the exposed plumbing in your home, and make sure everything’s on the up and up.  

Clear the gutters and downspouts

Your home’s gutters and downspouts draw excess rainwater away from the foundation to avoid any excessive moisture.  If you don’t properly maintain your gutters and downspouts, your home could be damaged by pooling rainwater.  Take the time to make the climb, and clean out your gutters at the start of every new season.